January 2011 – may the spirit of MLK prevail

January 2011 – may the spirit of MLK prevail

“I Have a Dream”

So far, 2011 has not been happy, but perhaps the new year will offer hope…

On January 8th, Democratic Congresswoman Giffords was victim of a shooting where 6 people, including Judge John Roll and 9 year old Christina Green died, and 12 others were wounded.

While some members of Congress have expressed their intention to carry guns to all of their public events, others in the country are once again talking of much needed gun control and calming the hate speech that has become the new “politics as usual.”

In Tucson this Wednesday, President Obama delivered a moving speech, attempting to bring the nation together in healing. While in Culver City, the Democratic Club discussed a resolution calling for the ban of assault weapons, such as the one used in the recent massacre.

Today, Saturday January 15th, a week after the shooting, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday at the Culver City Senior Center and throughout the nation. Dr. King’s resilience, moral righteousness and believe in peace still inspire and give hope.

My hope for 2011 is that the spirit of Martin Luther King prevails over the hate and  violence in our country and in the world. Let’s come together to heal from this tragedy, work to improve our communities and our earth, and solve our financial challenges not through cuts that hurt our schools our services and much-needed public-sector jobs, but rather by ending the wars which have lasted way too long and have caused far too much harm.


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